Beautiful Ryder at 8 weeks! Photo by Verjean Lunenschloss
Ryder at 8 weeks, photo by Verjean Lunenschloss
Ryder at 7 mos. at her first show!
Camellia Convenant Ticket To Ride
BISS GCh Ch Esquire Fourwinds Travel'N Man X GCh Ch Latin Lover Night and Day
Bred by Lori, Connor and Jarret Whorff, Camellia ES
born 04/24/2016
Ryder is a beautiful young setter girl with a stunning head, beautiful bone, and wonderful angles. She exudes breed type. This little girl is co-owned with our dear friend Jennifer Stastny, and lives with Jennifer in Victoria, Texas. We can't wait to see what the future holds for her!